Monday, March 24, 2014

update, 32w1d

I saw the locum OB today, a different one that I have never met before.  She said that it looks like things are worsening, but not enough yet to put me on medication.  My blood pressure did get a bit worse over the past two days, and my proteinuria went from PCR 60 on Thursday to 160 today.  Otherwise, the labs are not showing anything else too worrisome, so I am to stay put and probably see somebody at the end of the week, with bloodwork on Thursday again.  The AFI and cord doppler studies are normal, so baby Daniel is doing well.  It is just me that is slowly deteriorating at this point.

I am very afraid of placental abruption.  I have a morbid fear of it.  I know it only happens in about 4% of preeclampsia patients, but I am torturing myself imagining one every night before bed.  I wonder why my brain decided that is a good idea?  to keep me in bed?  to keep me on my toes?  There usually is a good reason why we have a certain fear.  Hopefully it will stay as only a fear.

1 comment:

  1. Why don't they decide rather to do a C section? 32 weeks surely is okay with this worsening situation?
