Thursday, January 6, 2011

weird ultrasound experience today

Nothing new to report, I am missing in action due to bad nausea and daily vomiting.  This week I am vomiting about 4-5 times a day, and sleeping as much as I can so that I don't have to vomit more.  Yesterday I slept 13 hours!  I have lost a bit of weight as well, but my pants are getting tighter, so I am guessing that the uterus is growing.

I asked a friend of mine who is a physician and has his own ultrasound to have a look today, and he could not even see the gestational sac!  this of course worried him (although he was looking transabdominally at my retroverted uterus, so it is not that unusual not to find it if you don't have experience), and he asked me if I have already had an ultrasound to confirm my pregnancy.  He seemed to think that I am not pregnant anymore, or something strange like that.  I normally would be very worried, but tonight for once I decided that my own body is able to tell me the truth better than any machine with poor resolution:  I am so nauseated I could die, I sleep half the day, and my uterus is visibly growing.  I worried a little though, and so I did ask my OB if he wants to have a look sometime next week.  He was totally unconcerned and told me that unless I have a giant HCG secreting tumour, I am probably still pregnant.  We concluded that I should be able to tolerate one week going by without needing an ultrasound to tell me that I am still pregnant...That being said, I am probably going to hunt him down tomorrow to do a quickie ultrasound just because I am crazy.


  1. I ended up having ultrasounds at 5,6,7,8, and 9 weeks. 5 wks with RE, 6 wks at perinatal center, 7 weeks with MFM, 8 weeks because I was going crazy (at an elective non-medical ultrasound place), and 9 weeks at the perinatal center again. Those first few weeks are so tough to stay reassured.

    If you don't already have a fetal doppler, get one, because once you get far enough long those are pretty good for reassurance without needing an ultrasound.

  2. Also, I might be imagining things, but if you re-did your blog, I really like it! And if you didn't, let's blame pregnancy forgetfulness.

  3. i think either choice you make is perfectly fine. you have every right to worry, and want to make sure things are ok. absolutely nothing wrong with that.

    but i'm glad to hear that you are still feeling symptoms (weird to say, but i definitely think it's your body's way of reassuring you). and i am keeping you in my thoughts/prayers daily...

  4. Thanks for the suggestion! Actually, the test strips aren't considered very accurate (not even the ones they use at the doctor's office), because how much protein someone is spilling is very highly dependent on the concentration of urine/dilution,etc. So you could be spilling a lot but get a negative strip, and vice versa. I'm not too worried about spilling protein actually because I never did the first time even when things got really bad, and I think my doctors will be pretty vigilant about doing 24 hour urine tests if things start looking more suspicious. (My heartburn has been better the last couple of days so I'm not as worried now, thankfully.)

  5. You go girl! Hunt that guy down and get confirmation nothing worse than trying to stay possitive and being sick and totally stressed might as well aliviate whatever you can to feel better!

  6. You are not crazy. I would not want to wait even a day.
