Thursday, January 20, 2011

ultrasound abnormal.

I had my 10 week ultrasound today.  The baby was big, 10w1d, and moving lots, awfully cute.  But the cervix not so cute.  It measured 3.5 cm, and the cerclage is visible, but there might be funnelling or something happening at the top of the cervix.  It is too early for actual funnelling, but there is some fluid in the endocervical canal, below the level of the cerclage.  I am getting another ultrasound in 3 weeks.  The ob said it is definitely not normal, but he does not know what it is or what is the significance of it.

I knew I would be cutting it close with this pregnancy, but did not expect the worries to happen so quickly.  If in 3 weeks I am funnelling for sure, then I need to get another cerclage (transvaginal this time) to reinforce this one.

I will have to try not to think about what I am going to do if this fails.


  1. Argh. I'm sorry, I don't blame you for being worried. I hope the next 3 weeks go by very quickly and everything looks fantastic for your next u/s.

  2. Praying hard. ((hugs)) one step at a time. That's all any of us can do. Sending you lots of love

  3. So sorry...definitely not the reassurance you needed. I'm glad they're watching you closely though and have a game plan in place if needed. Sending lots of love & hope ((hugs))

  4. I'm so glad to hear Baby H is ok, but I'm so sorry to hear your cervix might not be cooperating. I really hope you can get some answers at your next scan. Thinking of you. ((HUGS))

  5. I am sending tons of thoughts and prayers your way that all will be ok at the next ultrasound. (((hugs)))

  6. Yay for a healthy, active baby. (And congrats on the pregnancy!!) Boo for the cervical troubles. It doesn't seem fair to have to deal with this so early on. I hope that you get good news at the next appointment!!

    Happy ICLW!

  7. Hi, I'm here form ICLW. I'm so sorry to hear you're having problems. I hope for good news in the near future!

  8. Glad the baby is looking good. I hope the next scan shows some more positive news and something you can do about it.

  9. I hope that you get some good news at your next u/s!!!

    Happy ICLW!

  10. Praying for you and baby! Keep us posted.
