Wednesday, April 16, 2014

update day 18

So, I have decided to take your guys warnings seriously about this bottle interference with the breast feeding.  I have told the nurses that enough is enough, no more bottles, because he really was refusing the breast outright.  In a preemie, 15-20 min of struggling to latch results in a total failure to feed, because by the time they finally latch, they are too exhausted to get a good feed in.

MrH came in armed to do battle as well, and when the nurses started with their speech about the whys and whereabouts of the bottle, he said "look, this is OUR baby, and we decide what is best for him in the long run" or something like that.  They backed out immediately.  I was a bit more subdued, but told them that I am willing to come in any time, day or night, with my boob, to get him something to suck on if he needs it, and that I really don't want any more bottles for the next week or so (I did not say never, though that is what I will ask for in one week, hehe).  Then, the nurse said finally that I can use the SNS.  Well, guess what, yesterday with the SNS, he got in two complete, full, oral feeds!!!

The moral of this story is that they must let me do what I want ;) as it usually works out better anyway.


  1. Good job. Stick to your guns.

    One of the reasons why the nurses push the bottling is because it makes the baby happy (a grumpy baby at 2 in the morning who just wants to eat is the worst!) and it's a sign to them that the baby is ready to go home. It's harder to tell if the baby is getting a 'good' feed while breastfeeding, so it leaves a bit more feeling of 'uncertainty' with the staff, which in turn makes it harder for them to tell if your baby is ready to be discharged. If they can just stick a bottle in his mouth and he can eat the whole thing and keep doing this for 24-48 hours then boom...ready to be discharged!

    I think the SNS may actually work to your advantage in this case. If he can breastfeed AND handle the milk in the SNS then it will be a good sign to them that he's getting enough orally and will increase his chances of having the box marked "can orally feed" ticked off!

    Good luck.

  2. Great for holding out. I can just hear Mr H... And really glad for you guys.
